Victorian Father of the Year Abubeker Mohamed with family (Supplied:Darrian Trainer)
By Zoe Ferguson
Abubeker Mohamed migrated to Australia from his home country of Eritrea in 1996. Wonthaggi in West Gippsland became home for Abubeker, his wife Suad and their seven children, aged between two and 13-years-old. Less than a decade on, he is Victoria’s Father of the Year.
Victorian Father of the Year Abubeker Mohamed with family (Supplied:Darrian Trainer)
Abubeker’s 12-year-old daughter Nusayba nominated him to be the Victorian father of year, writing “My father is someone I can look up to and inspires me to do good things. He stands up for me and supports me.”
Nusayba’s words made Abubeker proud but also made him feel he should do more.
“I didn’t know she nominated me; I’m very proud of her but it also gives me more responsibility and pressure to do more for my family and kids,” Abubeker told ABC Gippsland’s Mornings program.
“It’s not hard to have seven children, but it is hard to manage time with work and looking after them.”
In his acceptance speech, Abubeker thanked YMCA staff at Bass Coast Aquatic and Leisure Centre, as well as his family and friends.
“It is not just an honour for me, but for my whole family. I am so humbled; I never thought I’d receive this,” he said.
“I would like to thank my daughter Nusayba for nominating me, and to the Bass Coast YMCA for their wonderful service to the community.”
After arriving in Australia, Abubeker and his family moved to Wonthaggi for a job that allows him to spend afternoons with his children.
“I work at an abattoir, starting at 5am and finish by 2pm to pick up the kids from school and spend time at the beach or cycling in the bush,” he said.
The difference between Eritrea and Australia is striking, says Abubeker, and opportunities and safety are paramount to raising his children.
“There is no system in Eritrea; we live and grow up in the war in poor conditions,” he said.
“But here, we have system, peace and good environment for kids to go to school.”
With Father’s Day approaching, Abubeker is looking forward to spoiling his children after such a humbling week.
“We’ll take the children outside for a special picnic and barbeque,” he said.