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Statement of Dr Mohamed Abdelsalam Babiker

UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Eritrea  56th Session of the Human Rights Council Report presentation and Interactive Dialogue on Eritrea, 20 June 2024   Mr. President, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen; I am honored to address you in my capacity as Special Rapporteur and to present …

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UN warns Israel that expelling Eritreans enmasse unlawful

GENEVA: The UN urged Israel Tuesday to refrain from mass deportations of Eritreans following weekend clashes involving asylum seekers, warning it would “contravene international law” and could have dire human consequences.  The United Nations refugee agency said it was “deeply concerned” by the clashes that erupted on Saturday when a …

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Speech of the Eritrean lowlander’s league – Human Rights Council 53rd session-Geneva 20 June 2023, specified for the Report of the Special Rapporteur on situation of the human rights in Eritrea, Mr Mohamed A Babiker  

Geneva June 20, 2023 Mr. High commissioner of the human rights council Honored delegations All the reports of the human right’s special rapporteurs since 2012, local and international human rights organizations have confirmed that there was no sign of improvement in the human rights situation in Eritrea. In fact, more …

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Eritrean’s jailed journalist exhibition open in UK Parliament

    DECEMBER 7, 2022 MARTIN PLAUT NEWS, POLITICAL PRISONERS   The independent Eritrean journalists who have been jailed without trial for the last 21 years were remembered in the British Parliament last night. The star-studded event was opened by the Vice Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Eritrea, Patrick Grady MP, …

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RES/004/10/22: RESOLUTION ON THE SITUATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS IN ERITREA We, the participants in the Forum on the Participation of NGOs in the 73rd Ordinary Session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights have submitted these resolutions adopted at the NGOs Forum: To put an end to violations of human rights in Eritrea, Call on the African Commission on Human & Peoples Rights to unequivocally condemn the flagrant violations of the Eritrean regime to the human rights in Eritrea, as stated in the report of the Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in Eritrea, Dr. Mohamed Abdel Salam (2022), as well as the targeting of Eritrean refugees in Ethiopia through murder and arbitrary arrest.

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Ali Salim – March 24, 2019 Congratulations ELL for making it to this Anniversary! This “Magic Bullet” is for you to lead. Do not let the next anniversary find you following others. Do not miss this unique opportunity in our history to define our struggle for unity and justice. The Rationale …

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Ali Salim – February 27, 2019 This is the first time I am submitting an article to other than Awate (the website). I used to get exhausted writing half the article to apologize in advance and to reassure people that I do not mean what I say and write the next …

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Eritrean Lowlanders League (ELL) Statement on the Process of  Rapprochement between the Ethiopian Government and the Eritrean Regime

Eritrean Lowlanders League (ELL) Statement on the Process of  Rapprochement between the Ethiopian Government and the Eritrean Regime The Eritrean Lowlanders League has been closely and with great interest observing the changes taking place in the Ethiopian arena since the ascension of Dr. Abiy Ahmed to the premiership, and their ripple effect …

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Statement on the violations of human rights by the ruling regime in Eritrea

 Submitted by ELL to the 38th session of the Human Rights Council Geneva – June 2018 The Honourable Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights; Your Excellencies, Delegates of Governments; Your Excellencies, Representatives of Human Rights Organizations; The Honourable Ms. Sheila B. Keetharuth, Special Rapporteur on …

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