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From Eritrea to Wonthaggi to Victorian Father of the Year

Victorian Father of the Year Abubeker Mohamed with family (Supplied:Darrian Trainer)   By Zoe Ferguson Abubeker Mohamed migrated to Australia from his home country of Eritrea in 1996. Wonthaggi in West Gippsland became home for Abubeker, his wife Suad and their seven children, aged between two and 13-years-old. Less than …

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Syrian and Eritrean refugees to arrive in 2016

The first group of refugees from Syria and Eritrea is to arrive in Poland next year. Poland has pledged to receive 2,000 refugees by 2017 as part of the European Union’s intake programme. The Ministry of Interior Affairs announced that they will be arriving in groups numbering no more than …

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Eritrea faces societal collapse

By Jean Shaoul 22 June 2015 A United Nations report has exposed the dreadful conditions in Eritrea, located in the Horn of Africa, that have prompted hundreds of thousands to flee the country. By mid-2014, there were nearly 360,000 Eritreans registered as refugees worldwide by the UN, out of a …

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Eritrea faces societal collapse

By Jean Shaoul 22 June 2015 A United Nations report has exposed the dreadful conditions in Eritrea, located in the Horn of Africa, that have prompted hundreds of thousands to flee the country. By mid-2014, there were nearly 360,000 Eritreans registered as refugees worldwide by the UN, out of a …

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