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Human Rights Watch – World Report 2014

Eritrea Map of Eritrea with location of Bisha Mine. © 2013 Human Rights Watch Eritrea is among the most closed countries in the world; human rights conditions remain dismal. Indefinite military service, torture, arbitrary detention, and severe restrictions on freedoms of expression, association, and religion provoke thousands of Eritreans to …

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Audios & Videos

Between the desert and the fire "] Eritreans, fleeing their own country for decades, are now using refugee camps in Sudan as a first step into Europe. Refugees have been crossing the border between Eritrea and Sudan for more than 40 years. The UN refugee agency, UNHCR, estimates that northern …

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Mejlis Ibrahim Mukhtar

The Eritrean Covenant TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE JUSTICE AND PEACE Reviving the Eritrean covenant: We, the authors of this statement, are a diverse group of civic-minded Eritreans who come from all walks of life, from inside Eritrea and the Diaspora and from different ethnic, regional, and political background and persuasions. Individually, like …

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An Initiative to Rally the Eritrean Lowland Societies

Common Principles and Action Plan: An Initiative to Rally the Eritrean Lowland Societies This Society has been subjected for quite a long time to systematic and concerted attacks from the dictatorial chauvinistic regime as well as some opposition elements or organisations, all aiming to demote and belittle its national stature …

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Letter from Africa: Emptying Eritrea

Farai Sevenzo The Mediterranean is fast becoming a massive watery grave for Africans. Another 500 reportedly drowned off the coast of Italy the other week, while the attention span of the world quickly moves away. But who are these Africans willing to risk all to reach European shores where they …

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Burundi, Eritrea, East Timor Top Global Hunger Index

BY KIERAN GUILBERT LONDON (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Sixteen countries have alarming levels of hunger, with Burundi the worst affected, according to an annual index released on Monday which also reveals that 2 billion people worldwide suffer from “hidden hunger”. Hidden hunger, which is a lack of vitamins and minerals, …

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Eritrea’s hard-won independence promised much for the future, but instead it brought repression, war, secrecy and international pariah status I recently read an extensive report prepared by the UN Monitoring group on Somalia and Eritrea (pdf), which said Eritrea was behind a terrorist plot in January against an African Union summit in the Ethiopian capital, Addis …

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Hidden Oppression in Eritrea

By VITTORIO LONGHIOCT. In Europe’s debate about how to deal with the flow of desperate migrants from Africa, there is an important element missing: the crisis in Eritrea. Every month almost 4,000 Eritreans flee to escape oppression, according to a United Nations special rapporteur. A visit to Asmara, the Eritrean …

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An Initiative to Rally the Eritrean Lowland Societies

Common Principles and Action Plan This Society has been subjected for quite a long time to systematic and concerted attacks from the dictatorial chauvinistic regime as well as some opposition elements or organisations, all aiming to demote and belittle its national stature and role under different justifications and pretexts. Therefore, …

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